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Absicherung von Daten in der Cloud

Sicherheit beim Cloud Computing für IT-Verantwortliche kaum Thema
Studie von Symantec und Ponemon zeigt Mängel bei Richtlinien und Prozessen

(27.04.10) - Nur 27 Prozent der Unternehmen verfügen über Prozesse zur Absicherung ihrer Daten in Cloud Computing-Anwendungen. Nur jedes zehnte Unternehmen schult seine Mitarbeiter in Sachen Cloud Computing-Sicherheit. Zu diesen Ergebnissen kommt eine aktuelle Studie von Symantec und dem amerikanischen Ponemon Institut.

Für den "Flying blind in the cloud: The State of Information Governance"-Report wurden 637 führende IT-Verantwortliche in Unternehmen ab 1.000 Mitarbeitern befragt. Die Studie zeigt deutlich, dass sich Unternehmen nur unzureichend mit der Absicherung ihrer vertraulichen Daten in der Cloud beschäftigen.

Lesen Sie mehr in der englischen PR-Mitteilung:
Symantec Corp. and the Ponemon Institute announced the findings of a joint survey of IT professionals. The survey revealed that most organizations lack the procedures, policies and tools to ensure that sensitive information they put in the cloud remains secure. Despite security concerns and the expected growth in cloud computing, only 27 percent of respondents said their organizations have procedures for approving cloud applications that use sensitive or confidential information.

In most organizations, large gaps exist between those currently evaluating cloud computing vendors and the IT and security business leaders that should ideally be responsible. Of the organizations surveyed, 68 percent indicated that ownership for evaluating cloud computing vendors resides with end users and business managers. Only 20 percent of the organizations surveyed reported that their information security teams are regularly involved in the decision making process and approximately a quarter said they never participated at all. However, 69 percent of the respondents indicated they would prefer to see the information security or corporate IT teams lead the cloud decision making process.

The survey found that employees are making decisions without their IT departments’ insights or full knowledge of the security risks involved. Only 30 percent of respondents evaluate cloud computing vendors prior to deploying their products.

Additional Survey Findings:
>> Organizations evaluate cloud services by word of mouth (65 percent),
contractual agreements and assurances from the vendor (55 percent and 53 percent, respectively). Only 23 percent require proof of security compliance such as SAS 70, 18 percent rely on in-house security assessments and just six percent rely on third-party assessments by security experts or auditors.

>> More than 75 percent of respondents noted that the migration to cloud computing was occurring in a less-than ideal manner, due to a lack of control over end users. Lack of resources to conduct proper evaluations, lack of leadership to oversee the process and the low priority for evaluations were also factors.

>> Only 19 percent of the respondents indicated that their company provides general data security training that discusses cloud applications. In addition, 42 percent of the respondents noted that their company offers general data security training that does not specifically discuss cloud applications.

"Cloud computing holds a great deal of promise as a tool for providing many essential business services, but our study reveals a disturbing lack of concern for the security of sensitive corporate and personal information as companies rush to join in on the trend," said Dr. Larry Ponemon, chairman and founder, Ponemon Institute. "In order to properly address information security concerns we encourage organizations to immediately incorporate policies and processes for determining vendor qualifications. In addition, cloud computing vendors must also be willing to adopt a more transparent posture."

"Despite widespread interest in adopting cloud computing technologies, many organizations are ‘flying blind’ with respect to making them secure, potentially putting their business operations, company data and customer information at risk,” said Justin Somaini, chief information security officer, Symantec. "Today, organizations need stronger information governance for managing corporate information and enabling confidence in the cloud. The success of cloud computing hinges on the trust and confidence that can only occur when the information security teams have better visibility into the security posture and operations of cloud initiatives." (Symantec: ra)

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